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Tips for skin care and makeup

Tips for skin care and makeup

'Make-up and skin care’ are often viewed as women’s forte. Men rarely engage in 'make-up and skin care’. Many guys take care of their skin, but make-up is extremely strange to most males. Treating make-up and skin care as independent issues wouldn’t make sense; after all, make-up will function only if the skin is healthy. So how can you exercise make-up and skin care together?
 Here are some recommendations for make-up and skin care:
* 'Make-up and skin care’ is also about evaluating the goods before applying them. So, put the make-up on a tiny region of skin, e.g., the earlobes, and evaluate how your skin responds to it.
* Keep note of the expiration date on your makeup items and never use them past the expiration date. In reality, certain items (e.g., vitamin C-based products), if not kept correctly, are ruined considerably sooner than the expiration date.
* Cleanliness is an essential element of make-up and skin care techniques. Sharpen your eyeliners often, and keep all your cosmetic tools clean at all times. You may designate a day each month for the overhaul of your equipment. As part of hygiene, your make-up and skin care regimen should also involve keeping your hair clean at all times.
* Nail care is another crucial element of make-up and skin care. Use excellent-quality nail polish, and always keep your nails clean. Once you are done washing and polishing your nails, you should massage cuticle oil along the margins of the nail.
* If you have deep-set eyes, you should use a liquid eye liner instead of a pencil one. This will avoid smearing at the deep margins of your eyelid.
* If you have a skin issue, e.g., acne, you should not use heavy or chemical-based make-up. Consult your dermatologist if you are not sure about the makeup items that you may use when you have acne or other skin diseases. Never attempt to squeeze pimples or acne. Remember that make-up and skin care should not contradict each other.
* Use a light make-up remover instead of simply washing it away.
* Another vital'make'-up and skin care’ technique is the following golden rule: “Never sleep with your make-up on.”
* While applying a deodorant, make sure that you maintain the required distance between the nozzle and your skin (as specified on the deodorant box).
So, make-up and skin care should always go hand in hand. Do not attempt to approach make-up and skin care differently.

* Always keep skin care in mind, whether you are buying goods for makeup or actually applying them to your skin once you have purchased them. So what you are getting is a'make-up  and skin care’ product, not simply a make-up product. Check the ingredients to determine whether they include substances that you could be allergic to. Also check whether it includes high-concentration substances that might hurt your skin.